Thema: Friendlies

Can I only have 1 friendly per season against one opponent, if i play another it gets cancelled?

2 Zuletzt bearbeitet von NiKiOn (2017-05-28 16:49:08)

Re: Friendlies

No you can play all your friendlies against one opponent if you like. Friendly games are only possible at following days of the season: 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,22. If you are not participating the playoffs/playdowns (or you are out off them) you can play a friendly game meanwhile.

It is only one friendly game per mentioned day possible.

Re: Friendlies

Then I dont understand as I had a friendly against a team on 3rd and against the same team on 6th and it showedon my friendlies list when the game was supposed to be and it showed still when my daily game played at 19:30 but the day later it disappeared (gameday 7). And I didnt get any message that opponent cancelled or anything.

It isnt a huge deal but I lost some money from the ticket revenues hmm

Re: Friendlies

Hey now i have todays friendly still on the list without being played even though it is scheduled, probably disappearing tomorrow from the list and no info on it being cancelled,why do these happen?

Re: Friendlies

Your Team-ID might help to answer your questions wink

6 Zuletzt bearbeitet von SuicideOG (2017-06-28 09:53:57)

Re: Friendlies

Actually today the dates have gone down one number and all that said gameday 9 yesterday now say gameday 8.


I took ascreenshot yesterday about thosw saying 9 and todaythose have 8 but it may be that after the days game there are some misinfo


Re: Friendlies

Today is Friendly Day. Game Day 9. So your game should be played in a few hours smile

Re: Friendlies

Yeah I noticed that after the days game the gamedays increase by one and when the 10 am update comes they are returned to correct and that is why I thought it didnt work smile

Re: Friendlies

Again another problem with friendlies, yesterday was friendly day. I had arranged a friendly at the start of the season and it was my home friendly. I hadnt received any message of friendly being cancelled but when the game should have been played it wasnt, and last night when I opened it to see whats wrong it said the away team forfeit the game.

Its not huge money that is involved but it gives great deal of experience to the team.

How can I make sure the friendly is still on on gameday and how can this happen?


Re: Friendlies

I'd say one possibility is that the away team hadn't enough players to play the game. So one possibility is to check sometimes how your opponents are set up, and if one of them is seemingly inactive to cancel the match and arrange another one.

A good long term solution for this is to apply for a friendly cup. Usually teams playing in friendly cups are quite active and so this awful stories don't happen that often. Happened once to me since I'm in S&T-Cup, and the manager of that team asked sorry for 1000 times...

Re: Friendlies

I'm not a great fan of cups so I play friendlies mostly against the same 4-5 teams. Some reliable partners I got to know and they never let me down. I play maximum 1-2 games per season against other opponents and then I mostly make sure in advance that there's everything okay with their squad.

Not sure what league you're in but if you don't have a full 25k stadium, look for active players who have one. You can ask here in the forum, in your league chat or contact players you successfully played a friendly against. If you have a full stadium it's pretty easy to find reliable partners anyway.

Re: Friendlies

I've just finished the end of my second season. I'm curious, does Friendly Game attendance work the same as League Game attendance? i.e. higher division, better periphery means more attendance?


Re: Friendlies

Yes. As well as the quality of your opponent, means higher league of the other team means more attendance too. I'm not very sure, but I think I've heard that a team with full built stadium and periphery of the 4th league could have even more attendance hosting a 1st-league-team than the 1st-league-team hosting the 4th-league-team.


Re: Friendlies

That´s true. Compare it to the NHL Global Series. The Edmonton Oilers coming to Cologne will have a lot more attendance than Cologne coming to Edmonton.

Re: Friendlies

Honso schrieb:

Yes. As well as the quality of your opponent, means higher league of the other team means more attendance too. I'm not very sure, but I think I've heard that a team with full built stadium and periphery of the 4th league could have even more attendance hosting a 1st-league-team than the 1st-league-team hosting the 4th-league-team.

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks very much.

Brice schrieb:

That´s true. Compare it to the NHL Global Series. The Edmonton Oilers coming to Cologne will have a lot more attendance than Cologne coming to Edmonton.

Understood. Thanks.

Re: Friendlies

justpuckingaround schrieb:

I've just finished the end of my second season. I'm curious, does Friendly Game attendance work the same as League Game attendance? i.e. higher division, better periphery means more attendance?

Correct, but periphery doesn't matter for friendlies. Your opponents matter, how big the stadium is and how expensive the tickets are.