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Thank you everyone who cleaned my team smile Now I have improved financials and will work on a new strategy on how to build my team! I will make it to the Premier Division one day! No need for me to trade players anymore as my salary cost is now perfect for my plan!


Hi! Devils Henchmen is in a really desperate need to sell 3-5 players from the team! You can make an offer for weaker players or buy directly!

I am in a really big trouble. I will go bankrupt in 2-3 days if no one helps me!

The reason I am going in bankrupt is that I had too optimistic ideas on the differences in money between divisions. And as I play in 2nd division I am making far less than I hoped for!

For example:
Lassi Annala - Defender
26 years old
STR: 91, EXP: 59

Luukas Pulkkinen - Defender
21 years old
STR: 91, EXP: 33

These are just 2 of my very good players!

You can either buy with money directly or offer me players for these. Hoping to get under 30 year olds and around 60-70 STR. But anything goes as I dont want to just have to kick the players.

Please help me not to lose so much money in this game! There are also wingers that I have with pretty similar stats! (under no transfer contract but will change when get offers!!!!

Only player not for sale is Joel Westman as he has Franchise contract!

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