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Themahistorie (neueste zuerst)


Hey, how big improvement does low mode give? My youth was on 95% and i put im on low improvement and he got finished? I am stunned i thought it would be at 97 or so.

According to the help screen it should only gain 2% when set to low. You're sure you changed it? I haven't seen more than a 2% gain myself when set to low.


Hey, how big improvement does low mode give? My youth was on 95% and i put im on low improvement and he got finished? I am stunned i thought it would be at 97 or so.


No worries, I realised little later that the next player I need isnt even a defender but a goalkeeper so it would have gone down to 50% anyhow smile But glad it is fixed!


To be honest i was hoping for the "drunk solution", but it seems you´re right. There was an issue when you pause at 99%. I fixed it, i can put your player back, if you ike smile


I think there might be a minor bug in the updated youth system. I had 2 defenders in the system training. The one in lower spot was on 99% and stopped for 15 days in this season. And the one on top was on development.

I forgot to stop the one in top (thats not the bug) and he arrived to my team. But so did the player who was stopped for a long time.

I didnt change it as I forgot to stop the other one, so I think there might be a minor flaw in the coding now that I can bring 2 youths to the team on same day, it may only check the first ones status when completing players?

Or other choice is that I was drunk and did something stupid smile But I dont think it was that.

But no bad harm done as they were "free" youths both. - Forum » Help » Youth system! » Neue Antwort verfassen

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