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Themahistorie (neueste zuerst)


Yeah, it was delayed, Brice fixed it I guess. big_smile


Ok it has changed, or something. Now they have updated


Hey, has the scouting time changed? Earlier it was on day change but today it hasnt done anythong?


and I am little bit too addicted to the game

This is always welcome, too big_smile


Brice schrieb:

A bit patience is always welcome smile

Thank you very much Brice! I was worried that this channel may not be the main one you read and I am little bit too addicted to the game big_smile

Now I can see all the players again and setup the scouting of the players!


A bit patience is always welcome smile


Think that you posted in the really right thread over there. Hope you'll  get satisfactory answer asap.


It seems to be only on me. 2 of my opponents have replied that they see the full list.


I have asked in the league chat in the division page but havent gotten answer, I will ask with message from all also.


That's really weird, I've never seen something like that. Would be interesting to know, if the other managers in your league have the same problem. You posted it in the right place (Aktuelle Fehler), but if you want to be sure that he'll reply, contact him ingame as well, his manager name is "Brice". smile


Just wanted to let you know that after day change I got the information on the players I scouted, but not more players appeared. Still only 6 players that I can draft.

This can actually harm my team development as I have been improving my team through draft and scouting lot of players. Where should I post this information to get it to game developers attention?


What should I do with the draft now? I am most likely 4th in the league after the season which means 8th in draft. there are only 6 players to scout. How can I know if I can actually get anyone of these? And will there be a fix for this issue? It seems that it may be only for me that this shows.


I had quite a lot longer list in the draft before that. I think it was complete in length. I havent had that in earlier and I have done it the same way. And yeah I tried Ctrl F5 also but didnt help, forgot to mention it.


That's weird, I've tried to recreate it, but for me it shows the whole draft. In the lower leagues can be a delay with the calculation of the new season, did you see the complete draft class before you clicked on the binoculars? Or else, what almost always seems to work is pressing CTRL+F5, so it refreshes the site and clears the cache as well.


When the day started I logged in around noon (gmt+2) and went to draft to check it is on before I pay for scout. I then decided the fastest way to find scouts is to click on the binoculars and then it said I dont have scout level and had the link to scouts and I opened the scout tab and upgraded scouts.

There is the explanation how I got to the bug. and if image doesnt show I only see 6 players on the draft page. Doesnt help if I log out and log in

Now that I go back to draft page I only see couple of players. Image below - Forum » Help » Draft bug! » Neue Antwort verfassen

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