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And from experience I can tell that at least in nordic league ~50 skill player is around 800 000 - 1 200 000 as far as I have drafted those. And they require a lot of cash as salaries.

I have been playing for ~6-7 months now and I am currently struggling with the salaries and I have 2 great young draftees.

Still trying to figure out the best way to start the game when thinking of stadium expansions and peripheral and salaries + training.  It takes a lot of money to do everything big_smile


Yes, you need to pay for the draft player, but the sum was mentioned after you've picked him.
i know that this is not the normal way, like in us sports or hockey in general. But the transfer fees are necessary in this kind of an online game, otherwise everyone would be able to sign players for free, or i need to code some contract negotiations (there is actually a discussion and a request to add something like this for free agents).

But you can train rookies by yourself, just build the youth development to level 1 (in the training section). Rookies with a maximum strength of 15 are free to train. You can train better rookies, too. In that case you must pay a daily amount and/or upgrade the development center.

To gain more money you should expand your stadium and your stadium environment smile you can play friendly games, too.


So i spent all of last season scouting the draftchoices... And now, a new season starts, and my draftpick does not join my team because i need over a million $...
Why? For what?
If that is the case i won't be able to get any new players when my older players retire since i cant afford buying any and no draft picks will join... - Forum » Help » Draft » Neue Antwort verfassen

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