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Themahistorie (neueste zuerst)


Okay so I have been training all wrong and I need to change the methods. Glad I asked as I was training depending on which line each is.



for training it doesn't matter if a player is in the team or just backup.
all marked players are included in all 3 units.

you can only improve strength and form.

I dont now if it is 2,5% but you can see the weight of the unit in relation to other units on improvment of strength.
The form-training is 1:1 - means, one trainingpoint = one formpoint for each trained player. so you can train max 3. formpoints per player per day.


There are 3 units for which you can set up training.
If I have benched players or backup goalie, what unit will they belong to?

I assume that the playing goalie belongs to 1st unit?

And the question mark ( ? ) gives a table where there are the training types in germany and Ent. and Form. Ent means experience? Or is it 2,5% of improvement when I have Ent. on 2,5?

And I assume Form means what effect it has on form in units? - Forum » Help » Training » Neue Antwort verfassen

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