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first of all welcome here.
There is no improvement for lines in any age combination.
It doesn't matter if you set a line only with old or only with young or if you mix them.

For a good performance the comination strength+experience+form (weighting .6 / .2 / .2) is important.
Stength costs money (salary) -->
Experience takes time or campcosts but for current costs it's cheaper.

I hope I answered your questions for the moment.


Hello, is there some performance improvement on lines average age? In real life usually players peak at 26-32 years old and it might be in this game that if average age is around 26-28 the line is better
"Best combination of youth and experience performs better"

I am very new to this game and want to learn about the little things that can improve my team. - Forum » Help » Average age » Neue Antwort verfassen

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