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Themahistorie (neueste zuerst)


I just wanted to say how useful this thread has been to me. It has really helped me appreciate getting the stadium and club to a level before pushing my playing squad up. I really enjoy the challenge of financial control and it appears this game has a good formula to be able to challenge older but less financially sensible teams. Thanks as always to this great community.


Thanks for that. Projector it is.


You'll also get more money from your sponsor, when you upgrade your traffic hub or projector.


craig_martin00 schrieb:

Ok. I haven't posted on here for a while, but I have now maxed out my stadium and saved up 10 mil for an upgrade.I want to upgrade something to lvl 5 but unsure which one to go with. I have everything at lvl atm. Any advice would be helpful.

Depends on your league and other factors but I'd probably go with the traffic hub or the projector. Temple is gonna help you make a  lot of bucks but I think you should do the other two first to really fill your stadium (and particularly the VIP seats) and to be able to raise your ticket prices...


Ok. I haven't posted on here for a while, but I have now maxed out my stadium and saved up 10 mil for an upgrade.I want to upgrade something to lvl 5 but unsure which one to go with. I have everything at lvl atm. Any advice would be helpful.


SuicideOG schrieb:

Hey, earlier on this page there is a guide that you should expand your stadium to 0 / 20 000 / 5000
Meaning 0 standing places
20 000 seats
5 000 VIP seats. If I have "made the mistake" of building standing sections can I demolish those after they are ready or what?

How much money do I lose long term if I have made standing places and have to live with those? Tens of thousands per season?

Hey. You need to have the 5000 VIP's. The 20'000 seats however are not something players agree on 100%. Most, including me, have 20'000 but some, also including Brice (the admin) don't have 20'000 seats. In his particular case, he has 1000 standing places and it didn't stop him from being pretty successful and even winning a title in the Premier Division.

To summarize, I think it depends on how many standing places you have. Of course you can always replace them with seats but I wouldn't do so until you have all 25'000 places.


Hey, earlier on this page there is a guide that you should expand your stadium to 0 / 20 000 / 5000
Meaning 0 standing places
20 000 seats
5 000 VIP seats. If I have "made the mistake" of building standing sections can I demolish those after they are ready or what?

How much money do I lose long term if I have made standing places and have to live with those? Tens of thousands per season?


Datsjuk4ever schrieb:
k6urik schrieb:

Who knows, how is possible to add new country/nation? I prefer represent Estonian club, but at the moment I must play for my nearest neighbors.

Hey, this isn't possible right now. There are 16 countries to choose from but Estonia isn't one of them.
There are players from other countries though. The admin of the game, Brice (Team ID 20), at times issues challenges where you can "win" a player of your choice. You then get to choose name, country and even the look of the player (I once had a player from Eritrea). You may want to send Brice a message to make sure you don't miss these opportunities.

Your information was very helpful. I'm working with it.
Thank You!


k6urik schrieb:

Who knows, how is possible to add new country/nation? I prefer represent Estonian club, but at the moment I must play for my nearest neighbors.

Hey, this isn't possible right now. There are 16 countries to choose from but Estonia isn't one of them.
There are players from other countries though. The admin of the game, Brice (Team ID 20), at times issues challenges where you can "win" a player of your choice. You then get to choose name, country and even the look of the player (I once had a player from Eritrea). You may want to send Brice a message to make sure you don't miss these opportunities.


Who knows, how is possible to add new country/nation? I prefer represent Estonian club, but at the moment I must play for my nearest neighbors.


Here it is:

Lets say Saison 0 is our start. You have got 5 Mio.

First Way: Build Lvl 4
Lvl 4 is built after 30 days - lets say we start building one day before Saison 0, then we get a better sponsor for Saison 1. The difference between Lvl 3 and 4 are about 29.000€ per home game - so 11 times in a season --> 319k€ + the Bonus at the beginning which is about 42k€ --> round about 360 k€ per season (maybe 380k€-400k€ if you are in PO/PD, but I will not handle with things you can hardly calculate...)

Second Way: Save the money...

Then the only question is: What do you earn in one season (I call it money per season - mps) after subtracting all costs?

You can build Lvl 5 after building Lvl 4, if
x * mps + (x - 1) * 360 k€ = 10 Mio€

You can build Lvl 5 without building Lvl 4, if
y * mps + 5Mio€ = 10 Mio€

If you now set x=y then you get the mps for which the both season times are equal --> mps = 336.000€

If you earn more money per Season, Lvl 5 without building Lvl 4 is more efficient, if you earn less, you should build Lvl 4... One example: You get 1 Mio per season, then x = 7,6 seasons but y = 5 seasons...!

I did not consider special events:
PO/PD should tend to save money, because the money from the visitors and gastro should be extremely more than just the additional 29k€ due to the sponsor
Transfers: it belongs to you: get money due to transfers will tend to build no Lvl 4, spend money for transfers will tend to build Lvl 4

--> I think everyone can save more than 336k€ per Season if he/she wants to save it. Therefore I say: Do not build Lvl 4! But it is up to everyone himself/herself!

PS: I am very excited if you varify or deny the calculation smile


Raszagal schrieb:
craig_martin00 schrieb:

Got all lvl 3 at the moment and one lvl 4 on the way. I'm guessing that it helps fill the stadium.

I think waiting for lvl 5 and not to build lvl 4 will save a lot of a) money and therefore b) time. Check and calculate this!

I'd like to see your calculation smile

In some cases, skipping one stage might be helpful. I doubt skipping a stage 4 construction would be a good idea, but I may be wrong. Do you have an example with real data?


craig_martin00 schrieb:

Got all lvl 3 at the moment and one lvl 4 on the way. I'm guessing that it helps fill the stadium.

I think waiting for lvl 5 and not to build lvl 4 will save a lot of a) money and therefore b) time. Check and calculate this!


craig_martin00 schrieb:

Got all lvl 3 at the moment and one lvl 4 on the way. I'm guessing that it helps fill the stadium.

sure it will help. Display and trafic will fill the stadium, food store won't, but it will earn money for your team smile


Got all lvl 3 at the moment and one lvl 4 on the way. I'm guessing that it helps fill the stadium.

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